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In 2022 our church launched a Capital Campaign to build a new church. Our family is giving sacrificially and our financial situation has changed over the last year.  I want to give substantially to Christmas for Christ and keep the promising God for offering that we committed to the Lord. In trying to think of what I could sell, I thought about the sermons that I have prepared over the last year. I prepare mostly manuscript notes and I have had friends tell me they found my notes to be helpful.

ALL of the money that comes in will go directly to Christmas for Christ - the money will go through our church and be a tax deductible contribution for you or your ministry. Please fill out the form below so that I can send you the link to the sermons, and then give on our online giving.  Please give whatever you feel led to give - 100% will go to CFC - I am simply asking that you give SOMETHING!

Sample Sermon

If you would like a sample of the notes that I write, click here.

The photo is a cropped version of the sermon slide I created for this sermon.

My heart beat is that these sermons might be a starting point, or additional material to add to the sermons that God lays on your heart, for your church body.

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